Prof. Patrick Glauner, AI Genius: waiting for Applications in Health Care like personalized Drug Development (Part 2)

Show notes

„I wish policy makers actually not just regulated AI, but used AI in their daily work” - let's jump straight into the second part of the extraordinary conversation between podcast host Michael Mack and the German AI mastermind Prof. Patrick Glauner. One of the most important AI-driven topics of the future: Health Care. The expert from the Institute of Technology in Deggendorf is desperately waiting for more applications in health care, like personalized drug development: „Personalized drugs in future would be very helpful, could reduce damage and maybe the time you need to recover.“ In this podcast episode we also take a deeper look at the german company „“ (of which Patrick Glauner is the founder) and the Heidelberg based start-up „Aleph Alpha“. Buckle up and press play!

A MACK One Original Podcast.