Peter van der Schans, Vice President IAAPA EMEA: The real World is not Digital

Show notes

„I don’t believe in a world where we only will do digital experiences” - Peter van der Schans is a true leader in the leisure industry: As head of IAAPA’s EMEA team, he’s truly shaping the future of entertainment. Join podcast host Lukas Metzger, Head of Operations at Europa Park, in this thrilling conversation about how emerging technologies are revolutionizing the amusement park experience, the significance of interactive storytelling in enhancing visitor engagement and why transformative strategies are crucial for impactful change in the industry. „We have large Player in the market, they are buying multiple parks, family owned businesses like Europa Park becoming more rare actually“. 3, 2, 1 - ignition for this exciting journey into the world beyond!

A MACK One Original Podcast.